Parasta hotellimajoitusta Vetelissä

Welcome to the Hotel Kampeli

Important information!

Opening Hours
Ma-Ti 8-16 (ei cartea)
Wed-Thu 8-20
Fri 8-22
Sat 14-22
Su suljettu

Hotel Kampeli is situated in Veteli, along the highway 13 road in Central Ostrobothnia, amidst beautiful river and arable landscapes.

We offer 22 hotel accommodation rooms and group accommodation in the form of a hostel room. In the hotel can also be found a sauna and restaurant.

Restaurant and lunch

Lounas on tarjolla arkisin klo 11:00–14:00 ja herkulliset à la carte -ruokalistamme annokset ovat saatavilla keskiviikkoisin, torstaisin, perjantaisin ja lauantaisin klo 14:00 alkaen.

Our lunches includes a home-cooked lunch, a hearty salad bar, homemade beer, water, juice, breads, spreads, coffee and dessert.

For table reservations call : 040 648 4040

Good outdoor and indoor activities in Veteli

Next to the hotel can be found a sports centre with swimming hall and a great terrain for outdoor activities.

Kemora motor circuit is located 10 km from the hotel.

Opening hours

Mon-Tue 8:00-16:00

Wed-Thu 8:00-20:00

Fri 8:00-22:00

Sat 14:00-22:00

Sun Closed 

A very warm welcome!

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